Singular and Plural

- Elementary Level
- Regular Plural Nouns
- "s" Rules
- Irregular Plural Nouns
- Read and Practise




1.   To make a singular noun plural, add "s".
            a book  ...... books         an apple ..... apples        a boy   ...... boys   
            a car ….. cars                  a shop ….. shops

-       My books are on the table.     
-       They are doctors.     
-       We are two sisters.

2.   Words ending "ch, sh, x, s, ss ":  add "es".
            a box .... boxes             a glass .... glasses        
            a bus  .... buses             a match ... matches

-       The buses are always late.
-       All the classes are full.    
-       Those boxes are not very heavy.

3.   Singular nouns ending in “y”:
§  Words ending in consonant + y change y ... i + es .   
                        a baby   ........ babies     a secretary ........ secretaries    
                        a city     ........ cities        a lady     .......... ladies

-       The dictionaries are on the desk. 
-       Cairo and İstanbul are large cities.

§  but   vowel + y : add only "s".
              a boy ….. boys                 a monkey ….. monkeys  
               a holiday ….. holidays  a tray ….. trays
-       Autumn days in İzmir are usually rainy.    
-       Where are the boys?

4.   If the word ends in "f" or "fe", change to  "-ves".  
a half .... halves      a wolf ... wolves            a thief ... thieves        
a shelf ... shelves   a wife ….  wives

-       These knives are very dull.
-       The shelves are full of books.                  
-       He has got two wives.
dwarf … dwarfs           Chif … chiefs               roof … roofs   
belief … beliefs             giraffe … giraffes      chef … chefs              
safe … safes                   gulf … gulfs                 proof … proofs           
handkerchief ..... handkerchiefs

5.   The words ending in “0”:
§  We also add "es" to a few words ending in "o".
                        a potato ..... potatoes                a tomato .... tomatoes              
                        echo …. Echoes                                    hero …. Heroes

-       The tomatoes are very delicious.  
-       Are they the heroes of the novel?

§  We add “s” to these words.
              Kilo … kilos                   photo … photos                       
               piano … pianos             solo … solos
              Zoo … zoos                   radio … radios             
studio … studios           tattoo … tattoos

-       We have got two kilos of potatoes.          
-       She has three tattoos on her arm.

§  We add either “s” or “es” to some words.
              Zero … zeros/zeroes                          
               volcano … volcanos/volcanoes                                    
              tornado … tornados/tornadoes           
               Mosquito …mosquitoes/mosquitos

-       Zeros/es are very bad for a student.                   
-       Volcanos  /es are very dangerous.

1.   A) Some nouns have irregular plural forms.
            A woman … women                               a man … men               
            a mouse … mice                                      a tooth … teeth                      
            a foot … feet                                           a child … children       
            a person … people                                  a policeman … policemen
            a policewoman .. policewomen               an ox … oxen              
            a louse … lice                                          a die … dice
-       Those women are the school presidents.   
-       Where are the oxen?       
-       Are they policemen?

     B) Some nouns in singular are the same in plural forms.
        a goose … geese                           a fish … fish                           
            a sheep … sheep                          a deer … deer
            a hair … hair                                a trout … trout                        
            a salmon … salmon                      a plaice … plaice (pisi balığı)
            a hovercraft … hovercraft       a mackerel … mackerel (uskumru)

-       There are some sheep in the meadow.                  
-       Look at those deer
-       Trout are very delicious.
2.   Some borrowed words (esp. Latin) have their plural forms in different ways.
            an oasis … oases                                      a stimulus … stimuli                
            a crises … crises                                      A nucleus … nuclei                  
            a parenthesis … parentheses                an index … indexes/indices
            a criterion … criteria                              a datum … data                                  
            a formula … formulae

-       The sentence is full of parentheses.                    
-       Crises in the world are so important.        
-       The data in the computer are missing.                 
-       Are these formulae in the book?

3.   Some nouns are always plural. They are called plural nouns.
            stairs … stairs                         belongings … belongings                      
            scissors … scissors                  congratulations … congratulations
            means … means                      contents … contents                           
            police … police                        surroundings … surroundings   
            goods … goods                        glasses … glasses                                
            trousers … trousers                 pants … pants
            clothes … clothes                    troops … troops                                              
            cattle … cattle                         tights … tights                                               

-       Telephone is a means of communication.   
-       Where are my reading glasses
-       It’s a pair of scissors.
-       Are they your new pair of trousers?                    
-       Are the goods in the lorry?

4.   Initials can be made plurals in two ways:
            UFO … UFOs / UFO’s               VIP … VIPs … VIP’s

-       UFOs are still a mystery.  

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Anadolu Liseleri 9. sınıf müfredatına göre hazırlanmış sitemizde ünitelerde öğreneceğiniz yapıları ve yeni kelimeleri burada tekrar edebilirsiniz.