as ... as, so ... as

- Elementary Level
- Comparison
- as ... as, so ... as
- Formation
- Examples

as ... as, so ... as

  • We use "as + adjective + as" when we want to
    say two people or things are the same.
You are as tall as me.
Walter is as intelligent as Peter.
Alice is as beautiful as Jane.
Tom is as careful as Robert.
  • We use either "as + adjective + as" or
    "so + adjective + as" in negative sentences when
    we want to compare two people or things and
    to say that they are different.
You aren't as tall as me.
You aren't so tall as me.
Frank isn't as clever as Peter.
Frank isn't so clever as Peter.
Mehmet isn't as experienced as Hido.
Mehmet isn't so experienced as Hido.

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Anadolu Liseleri 9. sınıf müfredatına göre hazırlanmış sitemizde ünitelerde öğreneceğiniz yapıları ve yeni kelimeleri burada tekrar edebilirsiniz.