Would you like...? and Do you want...?

- Elementary Level
- offers and invitations
- Would you like ...?
- Do you want ...?

Would  you like...?   and   Do you want...?

Would you like ...?
  • it is used in polite offers or invitations
  • Would you like...?  is a polite way of asking:
    Do you want...?
Would you like a cup of coffee?
Would you like to sing at the party?
Would you like some more hot water?
Would you like to drink something?
Do you want ...?
  • it is used in less formal offers or invitations".
We’re going out tonight. Do you want to come with us?
Honey, do you want to drink some more coffee?
Do you want to dance with me?

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About author

Anadolu Liseleri 9. sınıf müfredatına göre hazırlanmış sitemizde ünitelerde öğreneceğiniz yapıları ve yeni kelimeleri burada tekrar edebilirsiniz.