was were (past simple)

- Elementary Level
- Past Simple
- Past forms of to be
- was, were
- usage and structure

Was and Were

was - were
  • was and were are the past forms of be
  • We use them to give information about
    people and things, or to talk about
    existence with There... in the past.               
I was ill yesterday.
She was at home last night.
They were doctors.
There were trees in the garden ten years ago.
with names, nouns and pronounsHis name was Robert.
He was a student.
It was her on the right.
They were Italians.
with possessivesIt was mine.
They were John's.
It was hers.
with adjectivesHe was crazy.
I was hungry.
They were naughty.
The car was black.
with prepositional placesRaul was here an hour ago.
I was in the kitchen in the morning.
Angela was at the door two minutes ago.
with time references, age and priceThe exam was yesterday.
I was ten years old.
It was 20 TL. It was £20.
with There...There were children in the garden.
There was an apple on the plate.
with empty subject (weather, temperature, ...)It was hot yesterday.
It was rainy.
It was 10 °C last night.
in affirmativesI           was  late
You     were late
She     was  late
He       was  late
It          was  late
We      were late
You     were late
They    were late
in negativesI           wasn't  late
You     weren't late
She     wasn't  late
He       wasn't  late
It          wasn't  late
We      weren't late
You     weren't late
They    weren't late

Quiz: Past Simple "was were" #1         >>

Quiz: Past Simple "was were" #2         >>

Lesson: Past Simple "was were"         >>

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