
- Elementary Level
- Greeting
- Hi! What is your name?
- Where are you from?
- What is your nationality?
- Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night.

BOOK   : New Bridge to Success                       UNIT: 1
GRADE:9                                                                 TITLE: Personal Identification


Let’s Start (page:1)

A) Hello = Hi (=very informal)

            Hello. I’m Burhan.                                Hi. I’m Bahri.              
            Hello. My name is Belma.                   Hi. My name is Betül.

B)  Good Morning                                 Good Afternoon          
Good Evening                                  Good Night

Note: “Good Night” is used only when leaving people, not when meeting them.

Reading & Speaking (page:1)

-       What is your name?                -What is your name?
-       My name is Ayşe.                     -I’m Ayşe.

BANU: Hi. I’m Banu. What is your name?
BRIAN: Hello. My name’s Brian.                            
BANU: Nice to meet you
BRIAN: Nice to meet you too.

Nice to meet you = Glad to meet you = Pleased to meet you.

When leaving people:
FORMAL:                       Good morning/Good Afternoon
                                           Good evening/Good Night
LESS FORMAL:           Goodbye
INFORMAL:                 bye/see you/see you later/see you tomorrow
                                           see you next week…etc
                                           Cheers (BR. Only)/cheerio/Take care

Asking about health:

How are you?               How are you?               How are you?
Fine, thank you.           Fine, thanks.                Very well. Thank you. (Formal)


-How are things?         -How’s things?             -How’s it going?                      
-Great                            -Not too bad                -OK/All right                          

-How are you doing/going(USA)
-so-so /(it)could be worse                              
Reading/Speaking (page:3)

Where are you from?              Where are you from? 
I’m from Turkey.                     I’m from İzmir.           

What nationality are you?       What nationality is Bill?
I’m Turkish.                                 He is American.

Are you English?                     Is İbrahim from İzmir?                                 
Yes, I am.                                  No, he isn’t. He is from Urfa.
No, I am not. I am Turkish.


Formal:           Thank you very much / Thank you very much indeed /
Informal:         Thanks / Thanks a lot / Ta (very informal)


A: Thanks                                   A: Thank you very much for tea.        
B: That’s Ok(all right)             B:  Not at all (formal)                                    

A: Thank you.                 A: Thanks a lot.
B: You are welcome.     B: Don’t mention it.

NOTE: Especially British People do not usually answer
            when they are thanked for small things.

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Anadolu Liseleri 9. sınıf müfredatına göre hazırlanmış sitemizde ünitelerde öğreneceğiniz yapıları ve yeni kelimeleri burada tekrar edebilirsiniz.